Looking at the gospel texts through the lens of conflict, dialogue, peace. Highlighting insights and practices that can support preaching, congregational leadership and the spiritual life.
Most congregations will encounter conflict on a regular basis: – Conflict between congregants – Conflict between leadership and congregation – Conflict between the congregation and the denomination – Conflict about belief – Conflict about money – Conflict about the church’s engagement in politics – Conflict about the church’s legacy of the past and its strategies for the present at the future. And most congregations have strategies, and even spiritual practices, to help them seek fruitful ways to live with their conflicts. Conflicts are often difficult to discuss. This course will explore the richness of scripture (through teaching input, group study, reflection, personal writing, exploration of language and interpretation) and consider the practical application in congregational life.
The aim is to help faith leaders see the scriptures as a repository of wisdom on the dynamics of conflict in faith communities and then to make links between scriptural narratives and conflict theory in order to better understand dynamics of conflict and fruitful ways of dialogue, understanding, resolution and commitment as congregations. The following topics will be explored: – Jesus and the Pharisees: exploring stereotypes – The gospels and empire – Models of conflict intervention in the gospels – Forgotten women of the bible: What insight can be found in their stories, and what can be learnt for congregational practice? – Contemporary models of conflict resolution theory – Writing liturgies about conflict: Considering models for liturgy that tell the truth about the tension and also turn the heart towards each other – «Forgive your enemies», but resent your friends”: We will consider friendship, resentment and forgiveness in light of the book of Acts and congregational experience
Conflict and Scripture
Mo, 10. Juni – Fr, 14. Juni 2024
5 Tage
CHF 1660 (Kursgeld CHF 850, Unterkunft/ Verpflegung CHF 740, AKV CHF 70)
WeA-Pfarrer:innen abzügl. Konkordats-/Refbejuso-Beitrag.
Verlängert bis 30. April 2024
Kommunität Diakonissenhaus Riehen, Schützengasse 51, 4125 Riehen
Pfarrer:innen erste Amtsjahre
Verkündigung und Gottesdienst
WeA anerkannte Weiterbildung
Glaubwürdig leben – Leben aus dem Evangelium
Glaubwürdig leben – Berufsidentität
Lösungen entwickeln – Hermeneutische Reflexion
Lösungen entwickeln – Kreativität
Einfluss nehmen – Kommunikation

Pádraig Ó Tuama is a poet and a theologian. With interests in language, violence and religion, he has published poetry and prose and has presented radio programmes on poetry and religion. His undergraduate degree is a BA Div validated by the Pontifical University; his Masters thesis in Narrative Theology from Queen’s University in Belfast was a consideration of the encounters between Jesus of Nazareth and marginalised characters in the Gospel of Mark, and his PhD (University of Glasgow; ongoing) is an exploration of Poetry and Prayer.


Pádraig is former leader of Corrymeela, an ecumenical community in Northern Ireland, where people from all traditions are rallied around one inspirational idea: «Together is better».


Juliane Hartmann, Pfarrerin, Beauftragte für die Ausbildung A+W, Zürich

Béatrice Schaffner
A+W, T +41 44 258 92 50